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hair loss on ears

22 10:45:19

My bunny has been losing hair on it's ears since yesterday.  The fur is falling out leaving skin underneath.  No sores or crusting, only hair loss on his ears. No hair loss elsewhere on his body.  Is this just molting?-it has been very hot the last few days.  Will the hair grow back?  I have not noticed any other physical ailments.
I appreciate your feedback,  Thanks Tricia.

I don't think I've ever had a rabbit molt the fur off their ears, so I'm not sure if that is the cause.

If you don't see any waxy or crusty buildup in the ears, and if he isn't doing a lot of shaking of the ears, then it might just be a temporary fur loss.

Sorry, the answer isn't more definitive, but it could just be a temporary fur loss.

Right now, it's something that you could just keep an eye on.  If the fur loss goes to other parts of the body, or if crusty stuff starts showing up in the ears, then your rabbit might have a mite infestation.  A vet could determine that for sure.