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10 yr old bunny not able to use front quarters

22 10:26:39

My 10yr old bunny has suddenly become unable to use her front legs.  She can't even sit up and when she does move (which isn't often because she usually isn't able to at all) she ends up pushing herself with her back legs, kind of like a wheel barrow because her front legs are unusable. :(
This just happened today .  She is in pain at least some of the time because sometimes when she tries to get up she grinds her teeth. :(
She is still eating and drinking but we have to bring the food to her.  She has stopped using her litter box (for 2 yrs now) because she was no longer able to hop into it so I've been using potty pads with her.  
I know my girl is old for a rabbit, is this just normal with old age death or is this something that might be fixable?
We may take her to be euthanized tomorrow but would honesty prefer for her to pass here at home comfortable and not stressed but we want what is best for her and if she is suffering we don't want her to continue to suffer.
Any advise would be much appreciated.
Thanks so much!

Dear Tina,

Your bunny's condition may be treatable, so I would not give up on her. Please read:

And find a rabbit-experienced vet here who will know the appropriate treatments available:

Even if she cannot regain movement, pain management and other supportive care can make her very happy and comfortable, as described in these articles:

I hope that helps make your bunny's golden years happy and safe with you.

Take care,