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Skinny rabbits

22 10:03:23

I have several that are so skinny that I don't feel meat around the spine.  They eat well but are just skinny.  Should I give them more than the recommended pellets and cut back on the hay?  They eat the same as the normal rabbits.


I would increase their pellets and increase the hay too.  They are constant grazers.  If they are thin they are hungry.  The quality of the pellets hay may be leaving something to be desired by them as well.  If you want pellets and hay they will enjoy eating, you can't go wrong with pellets and hay from Oxbow, or American Pet Diner.  You can get large boxes from both of these places and get a much better price.  

I would also have them possibly checked out by a good rabbit vet for any other problems.  They need good exercise time to stretch, run and hop in order for their gi tract to work properly.