Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bunny is drooling

Bunny is drooling

22 10:19:46

Hey! I just noticed that one of my 5 month old bunny is drooling..he also has a lump on the side of his stomach..pus is coming out and it seems to be getting bigger everyday! He also shakes from time to shivering kind of..i'm very worried!
thank you

Dear Kyla,

This bunny needs to be seen by a rabbit-experienced veterinarian *immediately*.  Please find one here:

Drooling can be a sign of molar problems, but this is unusual in such a young rabbit. In this case, the drooling could be due to a fever from the infection you describe, a draining abscess.  If it is more extensive than just superficially on his belly, the bunny could be in life-threatening danger, and must be seen by a good vet immediately.

In the meantime, use the instructions here for emergency care to keep him supported and alive until you can get him to the vet:

The shivering could be due to hyper- or hypothermia, and the key thing now is to check his body temperature (instructions in the article above) and get it to normal levels and stabilized.  Then get him to the vet ASAP.  It sounds as if he is in very bad trouble and in need of emergency care.

I hope this helps.
