Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Unexpected Death???

Unexpected Death???

22 11:09:21

Dear doctor,my rabbit unexpectly died this afternoon.He was outside in his cage in the front gard on the grass,when i suddenly heard him scream,it was a squicky sound,i approached him and he was twitching and didnt want to move,i picked him up and he just lied there,moving his mouth and teeth like he was grasping for air,it was like he became paralyed, it was a matter of 5 minutes that all this occured and he died. Any idea to what killed him?  

Dear Adriana,

I am very sorry about this traumatic death.  There are any number of possible reasons for sudden death, including being frightened by a predator, heat stroke, cardiac arrest, choking on food, etc.  The only way to know is to have a post mortem exam done by an experienced rabbit vet, whom you can find here:

I hope it will give you some peace of mind.  I am sorry for your loss.
