Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > i think my rabbit is sick?

i think my rabbit is sick?

22 11:36:23

my rabbit recentally has been fine all of a sudden this morning he started pooping its really runny and he hasn't eat any of his food i haven't gave him any green vegetables so its not that what can i do?

Hi Krystle,
I think you will need to take your rabbit to the vet, especially if he is not eating. Has he lost any weight at all? This is one of the first signs of sickness. Make sure he's really warm at night, regularly check his bottom and clean it with lukewarm water if it is dirty. Keep him off the grass and don't give him any fresh food for the next week. Supply him with a fresh handful of hay daily. And take him to the vets! I hope he is ok.
I hope this helps and anything else just ask.