Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > I found a wild baby rabbit

I found a wild baby rabbit

22 11:18:00

  Today I found a baby wild rabbit the dogs got at a nest and i have only one alive one and i tried looking for the nest to put him back but couldn't find it so I'm stuck with a wild baby rabbit it's so little i don't know what to do if it will live over night or what?  i have no clue what to feed him or how to keep him warm please tell me some information about wild baby rabbits how to feed them so he won't die on me Thank you  

If you can't find the mother, and he is still alive, you need to keep him dry and feed him.  If his eyes are closed he is less than 10 days old, they are generally ready to release at 3-4 weeks.

There's good information about their feeding and care at

Good luck.
