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Rabbit skin cancer

22 11:37:36

I work at a vet and see numerous light colored cats that get skin cancer on their nose and ears. I have a white and gray rabbit whose cage is near the window. He likes to sit in the sun sometimes and am concerned that he could develop skin cancer on his nose or ears. Is this a possibility or am I overly concerned?



Dear Amber,

Any mammal can get skin cancer, and though some animals are genetically predisposed to it, the main cause is exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun.  If your bunny is sitting near a *closed* window with the sunlight coming in, then you have no cause for concern.  The glass of the window cuts out almost all of the ultraviolet radiation, and what's left is very unlikely to be harmful.

If bun sits in the sunshine of an open window, it's still probably not a big deal.  He does need some sunlight to manufacture vitamin D, and it's not likely that occasional exposure to morning sunshine will cause enough harmful mutations to ever cause cancer.

I have several light-colored bunnies who spend a lot of time outdoors, and none of them has ever developed skin cancer.  I hope the same will be true for your bunny.

Please write back if you have any other questions.
