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rabbits in the garden

22 10:53:21

i let my pet rabbits our to run around the garden everyday, and although we try to keep them away from the tasty edible plants that my mom grows, they do occasionally manage to get to them. i was just wondering if there was some sort of repellent or something that i could put around the plants to stop them going near them?

Hmmm, I've never know of a repellent that's actually worked.  There's the bitter apple or spicy flavored repellents that you can buy in a pet store.  To protect my garden from wildlife, I have used Liquid Fence.  Even though it's designed to discourage rabbits from gardens, there are a couple ingredients in it, I'm not sure about the safety.

Do you have a puppy pen, or some other kind of barrier that you can take up and put away when your bun is out and about?