Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > do rabbits cry?

do rabbits cry?

22 11:31:38

I have a 9 month old female lionhead rabbit and recently I adopted a 13 week old male dwarf lop.As none of them are either sprayed or neutered,they both live with us in our living room in seperate cages.

My female started making some noises which sound a little bit like that of a dog crying. Do u know what that may be?

Also I need your advice on neutering and spraying. Is it fair on those little ones to put them through surgery?

Thank you for your time,

Dear Georgia,

Your female bunny is likely having a false pregnancy, which will make her grumpy and likely to whimper when you pet her.  This is her natural vocalization she uses to make the male rabbit stop his sexual attentions when she's pregnant.

Yes, you *definitely* should have them spayed/neutered, or they will never be able to be safely together.  Rabbits are induced ovulators.  If they mate, the female gets pregnant, because the very act of mating stimulates ovulation.  So if your two bunnies have been together at all, there is a chance she's actually pregnant.

For more information on this, please read:


I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any more questions.
