Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbit has been acting strange.

My rabbit has been acting strange.

22 11:04:51

I recently got a male fixed rabbit about 2 months ago.  Lately he has been acting really strange.  He will literally throw himself into the air and twist onto his side, land on his side and fall asleep.  I have to check him to see if he is dead.  I am afraid he will hurt himself.   What should I do?   Thank you.

Katie, this is completely normal.  It means your rabbit finally feels at home.  He is basically saying "life is wonderful and now I think I will relax and take a nap."  He won't hurt himself rabbits jump all the time.  If you think this is bad wait until the first time you see him do a binky... this is where they will usually jump straight up in the air and turn 180 degrees in mid air.  The first time you see a binky you will never forget it.  

If your bunny makes a loud squealing noise when he falls then I would be worried that he is injured but seriously, they know what they are doing or they wouldn't do it.  I am so happy your mr. buns finally feels comfortable enough in your home to perform his flops.  Rabbit language can be so fun.  

