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Bunny producing massive amounts of cecals after spay

22 9:39:00

So many bunny cecals
So many bunny cecals  
My dwarf bunny got spayed almost 5 days ago. After her surgery is when I noticed cecals, a small cluster of 5-8 bits here and there. Today, however, I'm noticing a HUGE cluster of maybe 50-60+ and when I cleaned her litter box I found another 2 partial clusters and a normal cluster.  But, since she didn't eat very much the first 2 days, I have been giving her more salads, veggies, some fruits, and some treats I baked where I added Critical Care (Oxbow) for extra nutrition. I pulled out all the food that isn't hay or pellets (she eats .125 cups of Oxbow Organic Rabbit twice daily) a few hours ago hoping she will start eating her cecotrophs.  The vet also gave her amoxicillin (5 mg every 12 hours) but it's been discontinued since the second day after I read that this was the wrong antibiotic for rabbits (from many sources) in addition to stressing her out to the point of a majorly startled fear response by me just getting near her condo. (Happy to say that she is no longer terrified of me.)  Is it wrong to discontinue antibiotics? What is the cause of the massive amount of cecals?  She is eating normally now with a hearty appetite and her regular feces are firm although unusually football shaped.  She had great energy, is a bit cranky though, but very near normal preservers. Thanks in advance for any help,

Dear Lane,

How much amoxycillin did your bunny get?  And how long ago was the last dose?  This antibiotic is not just "wrong", it can be *deadly*, and the results may not show up for a week to 10 days after the dose has been given.  Amoxycillin kills off the beneficial flora of the rabbit GI tract, allowing extremely dangerous pathogens (e.g., Clostridium spp.) to overgrow with potentially lethal results.

PLEASE GET YOUR BUNNY TO A RABBIT-SAVVY VETERINARIAN IMMEDIATELY FOR TREATEMENT, in case the amoxycillin has started its terrible work.  There is no time to waste.  The uneaten cecals are the least of your bunny's worries, though her failure to eat them could be an early sign of cecal imbalance.

Please use the list linked here to find a rabbit-savvy veterinarian:

and let him/her know that your bunny has been given amoxycillin.  And please do NOT go to the vet who prescribed amoxycillin ever again.  Any vet in this day and age who does not know that amoxycillin must NEVER be given to a rabbit is simply living in 1980, and should not be practicing on rabbits.

I hope your girl will be okay.  I am sending healing thoughts.

P.S. - A very few rabbits do not suffer ill effects from amoxycillin, probably due to an idiosyncratic GI flora.  But don't take a chance that your rabbit is one of these rarities.  Please get her to a rabbit-savvy vet immediately.