Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Does diatomaceous earth work on rabbits?

Does diatomaceous earth work on rabbits?

22 10:01:06

I'm thinking of using it on them and their food in case they have parasites.

I use DE in my drop trays and to treat my yard.  There are reports that it will kill internal and external parasites and that it is quite effective.  It is said to be safe for rabbits but as with most things there are no specific studies related directly to rabbits.  There are medications that are much more effective in removing parasites.  We use Advantage (not Advantix) for fleas.  We don't treat for mites or worms unless we actually have an infestation.

The following web-site is a good resource.  The owner of the Rabbitry has had very good success with natural remedies.  You may want to check it out and see if she might be able to answer some questions for you.

My big issue with DE is that some people swear by it.  We visited one of these people and while there I was petting the cat.  I was disgusted to see tape worms crawling out of the cats anus.  The only treatment they used was the DE.  Something like this can really make you second guess just how well it works.

Again I don't use it on my animals but I also don't have a whole lot of experience with it.  You may want to ask for some other opinions.
