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Dwarf lop ear rabbit

22 10:28:41

My son's pet rabbit is lethargic, sleepy and today have found a runny stool - his friend realises he is not well and she tries to groom and cuddle him - they live in the backyard - have their own garden area - plenty of shelter, lucerne hay, pellets, seed and fresh fruit and veg.  Washed his rear today and found he had had dried pooh which must have been there for quite a while (did dry him with a hair dryer)- what can we do to help him?  Thank you.

Hi Julienne,
It sounds like your son's bunny needs to be seen by the vet there are so many things that can cause its symptoms that its hard to really say but a runny stool needed to be addressed asap while you wait to get with a wet you need to pull all food and only allow hay and water till the poo goes back to normal or you get to a vet