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I want to get a rabbit...

22 10:59:20

I have been considering purchasing a bunny within the next few years. However, I have a boyfriend whom I am seriously considering living with once I get out of college. He is very supportive of the idea of getting a bunny however there is one possible problem. He has a dog. The dog is very non aggressive but very curious at the same time. When he was watching my hamster for a week his dog was constantly "nose poking" it. Thankfully my hamster has a very accepting personality and took it with stride, but I want to know if the possible stress factor would be to much. I have read that bunnies are pretty fragile as far as being scared or insulted so I would not want to put a bunny through stress just so I could have one.

Dana, I first want to say I admire you for considering the threat and feelings of the as of yet not acquired bunny.

Rabbits can live very peaceably with any other creatures, as long as they do not perceive a threat.  Here we have 5 dogs, 3 cats, 15 hems , one rooster and about 300 rabbits.  Everyone gets along fine.

The way to do it would be to first have the rabbit ( I would suggest a 40 day old rabbit ) in a place where the dog cannot get near it, when you have won the trust of the rabbit, then you can start rubbing the dog and then touching the rabbit - this will familiarize the rabbit with the dogs sent and associate it with you , the other animal she trusts.  Ditto for the dog.  Then you can start little by little closely supervised play sessions. First with a cage between the two and then with the cage door open so the rabbit can go out IF she wants.  I would suggest a male rabbit as they make better pets as long as they never are near a female.  The interaction between the two species is wonderful to watch.  Here they chase each other, and then change direction so you will have dog, cat , rabbit and next minute, cat dog rabbit - so funny.