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nesting rabbits

22 11:16:30

My daughter has a pet rabbit that we have had for 8 months.  2 days ago the rabbit started to pull out it's hair and put it in the wood house in it's cage.  Normally every night it goes crazy in it's cage and turns everything upside down but not the last two nights, the house is perfect with the nest of fur in it.  Is it possible for female rabbits to have nesting instincts even if they are not pregnant?  The rabbit has never been by any other rabbit unless a wild one came by it's cage out on the porch.  Never has the rabbit been out of the caage outside.

Yes, non-pregnant rabbits can nest.  I have even heard of male rabbits nesting.  Eventually her hormones will change and she will realize she is not pregnant, then you can remove the nest.

Domestic and wild bunnies cannot interbreed, they have different numbers of chromosones which makes it impossible.
