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Urine & Splayed Legs

22 11:14:17

I purchased a rabbit about one month ago, and I am unsure of the age (but it's likely to be a baby). I believe it is a male, and if it is, then it was nutered. It lives alone in a fairly large cage, indoors. I feed him pellets, timothy hay, romaine lettuce, alfalfa hay, and occasionally apples (only the two tablespoon limit).

During this short time I have cared for this rabbit, it has sometimes urinated a whitish-yellow creamy liquid. I was wondering what that was and if it is normal.

It also has splay legs, where one of the front legs comes out to the side as well as both of the back legs. One of the back legs also does not move much. I read online about a way to fix these legs, with the cork & cotton. It kept comming off so I tried to tie the legs together loosely. It helped for a short while but one of the hind legs became very swollen so I removed the ace-bandage. The next day the swollen foot was bleeding in some areas. I rubbed aloe vera gel (from the actual plant) on the foot and it seemed to get alittle better but not too much of a difference. I do not have enough money ($200-300?) to take to it the vet.

I would like to know if there is anything I can do at home that isn't too costly to fix the foot. I would also like to know if the urine is normal, and if there is any other methods to fix the splayed legs. Thank you.

Nikki -   If you paid more than a few dollars for it you should return it to where you bought it and get your money back.  The splayed legs are a birth defect and should never be sold. Many times not only do the rabbits have the spleyed legs but their insides are not well made either and a bit further along in their development they start to get very very thin and sad and eventually die.  A breeder who sells a bunny with splayed legs is not responsible and I would not count on the bunny being nutured.  Tho in a male rabbit it is not that important.

BUT if you already love the baby you can hope it does not have the broader problem and keep it. ( tho be prepared in case it does ) The splayed legs alone will not cause much problem - other than making it a bit slower than normal.  The urine is easy to fix - just give him 6 ml of apple cider vineger / liter of water in all of his water - for forever.  This will make the urine lighter in consistancy and color and will benifit the animal in that it will avoid kidney stones and bladder infections and you as the urine will not smell as strongly.

Please do not try to bandage the legs to streighten them - you will just hurt the bunny.  You sound as if you are trying to take good care of him.  The food you are giving sounds good as long as the pellets are not pet store varity - he needs between 14 and 16 % protein in the feed.
Put some toys in his cage - hard plastic baby rattles, a pingpong ball, even a clean empty tuan can.  They like things that make noise.

Nikki - another thought - since the baby has leg problems it is more important that he have a solid place to rest in his cage - it should not be wood - I use larg plastic cutting boards - they are easy to wash.