Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > wild baby rabbits?

wild baby rabbits?

22 10:54:35

I noticed a nest of baby rabbits last week in my rose garden next to my house and the mother has been taking care of them and yesterday they were in their nest and this morning I noticed the fur pushed back that lays over the hole and I could see the babies and when I returned home around 2:00p.m. I saw only one baby hiding under one of my small rose bush. Will the mother move her babies? Will she come back for the last one? I would say the baby is about 4inches long and its eyes are opened and ears are up or is he on his own? I have been keeping an eye on them due to having a dog, and I do not want anything bad to happen to the them. Thank You For Your Time! Toni

Dear Toni,

If the baby you saw was fully furred and had his eyes open, and is the size you describe, then the whole brood has probably taken that big step and ventured from the nest to start to live on their own.  Mama is no doubt in the area, and watching them and feeding them.  Just keep an eye out and make sure your dog doesn't discover them.

Hope the babies give you many hours of enjoyment!  :)
