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Is my rabbit in love with me or just inheat

22 10:53:47

HI  I am the proud mommy of BOB the bunny.  I got bob from my daughter who had him for about 2 years as a replacement for my other but anyway  Bob is about 6 years old  and until I got him lived in his cage only. He is an indoor rabbit.  Bob now has the run of some of the house and it took a while to earn his trust since he only sat in his little cage.  He now lets me hold him ,  follows me around like my shadow When I'm cleaning he chases me all over the house  and puts his face on my feet when I was the dishes.  But this new behavior is driving me nuts.  Bob tries to hump me constantly .  My leg  My arm if I reach in front of him.  He nibbles me  and then tries to mount.    I am not the only person in my home  my boyfriend lives her but Bob is only interested in me.   At 1st I thought it might be territorial but its gone on for 3 months now and continues.   Is bob in love with me  or does he hate me.  Is there something I can do to stop this behavior without hurting him emotionally and or losing his trust.  Any advice would be appreciated.  thank you so much for any help

Hi Pat

Oh dear... Bob loves you.  Since he isn't neutered and obviously has a bond with you well he thinks you are his girlfriend.

I have one who does the same thing to me.  He does not do it to anyone else.  I even tried to breed him with one of my doe's and he didn't want anything to do with her.  He only wanted me.  So far I have not been able to completely break him of it.  What I do that helps a bit is when I pick him up and he starts to bite me I immediately say NO.  Sometimes he will stop and sometimes he won't.  If he stops then I continue to hold him.  If he continuously tries to mount me or he marks me then he goes in his cage for a time out.  It has been literally months but he is getting a little bit better.  I just have to be very strict and consistent with his punishment (10 minute time outs).  I think he is finally starting to realize that I am not his girlfriend.

You can also have bob neutered.  6 years old is not that old for a house bunny.  It is a quick and easy surgery and with a good knowledgeable bunny vet he should be ok within a few days.  It would take about a month to get all the hormones out of his system but it will actually make him a more loveable bunny.  The bond between the 2 of you would be much more pleasant.

I know the behavior is very annoying, believe me I get sick of having to go take a shower every time my lover boy marks me.  I just think you should be happy that he loves you.  Bob sounds like a very precious creature.

Good luck and if you have any more questions please let me know.
