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large poop balls

22 10:54:52

I have an 4 month old English Angora bunny I just got for a pet. I've had 2 other E. Angoras before and also a Holland Lop. My bun seems to have what I feel is very large poop balls. All of my other bunnies of the past were small balls. Is this normal? It does'nt look runny and it does'nt look like there's anything in it, the color looks normal to me, they are just big. Could this mean anything?

Dear Erica,

When you say "big," how big do you mean?  We have some rabbits who leave huge, round bunny poops that may be up to 1.5cm in diameter.  Big!  These are pretty big bunnies, too, usually.  But not always.

If the large poops are round and well-formed, I would not be concerned.

However, if they are misshapen and have a strong smell, and seem to be moister than the usual flaky/friable fecal pellet, then write back and describe them in a bit more detail.  Your little guy could have what we call "cowpoop syndrome," a condition that's genetic and not really treatable--though it might not cause him any problems, depending on the severity of his expression of the trait.

Hope this helps.  Please write back if you have more questions.
