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How to get a rabbit to accept a new one

22 11:20:24

We have a 3 year old male rabbit and we would like to know how to bring a new female rabbit who is 6 weeks old into his space/environment. Is it important that both rabbits are fixed?

Dear Sue Ellen,

It's hard to predict the reaction of a three year old male who is not neutered to the introduction of a new rabbit, male or female.  He might mount her (to show dominance, or to express excitement), or he could attack her.  If she's really only 6 weeks old, she is too young to be weaned, and the stress of being attacked or sexually harrassed could make her ill.  Please read this before you go any further:

It is important that both be spayed/neutered eventually, but the female is far too young, of course.  You can read more about this here:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

I would have the male neutered before trying to permanently bond these two bunnies, as this will make him calmer and less likely to hurt the little bunny.

For tips on bonding, please visit:

for a list of helpful articles.

Hope that helps!
