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My baby bunnies bum

22 10:39:54

Hi there.. i just recently adopted two baby bunnies from a breeder.  She only charged my for one because the other has no tail and looks like he has an infection around his bum.  
He doesnt seem to be in any pain at all, they are very tame and let me look over them thoroughly.
I'm just wondering if it is possible for a bunnies tail to never decend, if that makes any sense. or if bunnies can get hemriods, although i haven't seen any blood in his stool.
I'm just worried its something serious, i'm going to be going to the vet soon, just thought i would get an opinion first. Thanks

No, if the tail isn't there it won't ever 'grow', if that's what you mean. It's a possibility that whatever birth defect or injury that led to this bunny not having a tail also affected his rectal area. It's wise for you to bring him to a vet as soon as you can.