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Rabbit fur is changing colors

22 11:12:56


I have a black dwarf bunny that is around 8 years old.  He is not nutured, does not reside with any other pets, and lives inside the house in a 48x48 inch cage.  He has had the same diet for the last 8 years and no illnesses.  I have noticed over the last 2 months that his fur is becoming very gray.  Not chunks or anything like that, but just like when a person gets older and their hair slowly begins to turn gray.  He does not have any changes in his behavior or any other noticeable physical changes.  Should I be concerned and do rabbits fur change colors like humans? Thank you.

Yes Monica - just like older people the pigment in an older rabbits fur changes with time.  For a drawf rabbit 8 years is getting along there !  I congratulate you on keeping him hale and healthy for those 8 years !  I would suggest you start putting 6 ml of apple cider vinegar per 1 liter of water in his drinking water.  He will like it and it will keep his urinary system clear of calcium buildup - which is a potential problem for older rabbits.
