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English Angora Dwarf

22 11:10:19

Hi there I am a first timer with a rabbit. I got my rabbit when she was just 8 weeks old, she was sooooo cute. She is very lovable she licks your finger all the time. She thinks she is a dog half the time and a cat half the time lol. Yes I know wierd. I have a question or two about a my rabbit Gizma can she wear a collor like a dog does around her neck will that bother them my mother and I wants to know? An I also want to know can I give my rabbit bannanas and celery and lettuce is that safe for them? Well I do have one more question how long do rabbits really live, my therapist said they live for 4 to 7 years. Then my vet told me 8-10 15 if lucky who is right here? I need help :-)I got my bunny in october 22 of 2004 I believe its hard to remember all these dates lol  

Congrats on your rabbit! Always glad to see more rabbit owners out there!
The collar may botheer her, so i don't recomend it. She also could chew it or get her foot caught on it when scratching. Those would also be easily hooked on feeders/ cage parts and potentially choke her. Banannas are ok in very small amounts- say 1 chunk every other day. No Lettuce at all. It can cause diareaha and this is very harmful to a rabbit. No foods that cause gas. The following website list good treats and bad treats to give them. I follow this rule, If it isn't liste it isn't safe. with one exception- I have found that rabbits love Raw sweet potatoes and they are not harmful to them.
Rabbits live according to how well they are taken care of really. If they don't get a disease that kills them. I had one to live 13 years, but i think the oldest i have heard of was 21. It really does vary.