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Seizures in Rabbits

22 11:26:09

In your years of dealing with rabbits, have you had any that experienced seizures?

I have a New Zealand and she started having these attacks where she practically twists herself into a knot and has trouble breathing while having these "seizures."

The Vet has not been able to find anything wrong with her and thought she may have something akin to Encephalitis.

I'm doing as much research as I can on the subject in hopes of finding something to help our beautiful bunny girl.

After these seizures she pants heavily and naps for about an hour and then she's up and getting into trouble.

Any information you have would be appreciated.


Actually, I have.  I had a Dwarf Hotot who developed epilepsy when she was 4 months old.

Zippy would tilt her head back until it was almost touching her spine, and look like she was chewing, then after it was over she would zone for several minutes.

If you have had blood tests and x-rays and really have not found anything, you can always test for e cunniculi or your vet can consider a medication for epilepsy, like phenobarbital.

There is very little information out there on seizures in rabbits.  The only info I know of is at

The way my vet determined Zippy's condition was by process of elimination, to make sure she had nothing else.  Then we tried the medication which did work for her.  I know there are other rabbits it has not worked for, one of which had a brain abscess.

If you can find the right treatment, it can be controlled, Zippy lived for several years and we only had to adjust the dosage once.
