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Rabbit litters

22 10:38:37

Please could you help with some advice, my rabbit gave birth to just one baby about 4/5 weeks ago, unfortunately my male rabbit got in to her again and she has just had a litter of 5 more, the first baby is still in with them and insists on sleeping in or on the new nest, I am very unsure if this is ok and dont know wether to just leave them all alone or wether this is dangerous for the new babies, any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,


Dear Julie,

If there is only one baby from the previous litter, then let him stay with the new babies.  It's better for him to have company, and he will not harm the babies.  Just be sure he doesn't outcompete them for milk, since he's bigger.  Be sure mama feeds the new babies for a while, and then let him in to get his share.

If you need to supplementally feed anyone, here are some instructions:

I guess I don't need to tell you it's time to have the male neutered.  Please read:

When mama has weaned her babies (at 8 weeks of age), she can be spayed for her health and longevity, and so she can be re-bonded with her "husband."  Unspayed female rabbits have a very high risk of uterine cancer, so this is very important.

Hope this helps.
