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post-stasis gas persisting - recommendations please?

22 9:44:44

Hello Dana,
I'm so sorry to read of your recent loss and hope that you are managing alright.  Our beloved 5lb 3 y.o. dwarf/dutch ate drywall and ended up in the ICU overnight with GI stasis.  Thankfully she survived.  She's been home for 8 days and was prescribed 7 days of metacam (.5 ml, once/day), baytril (1ml, 2x/day), and reglan (1ml, 3x day).  After 7 days, we stopped the meds. She's full of energy now, but her appetite has not returned completely. She seems to prefer greens and although she's eating some hay, it's not as much as she used to eat, and her poops are still small.  Starting 2 days ago, she's made daily a few piles of what looked like loose cecotropes but didn't eat them.  Starting 4 days ago, we could really hear the gas in her stomach early in the morning and late at night.  We give her 1ml simethecone when this happens.  Questions: 1) should we worry about the gas or is her system still in the process of getting back to normal?  2) she doesn't appear to be in pain when her stomach growls, but should we give her metacam anyway? 3) Should we give her larger or more frequent dosages of the simethecone? 4) if she doesn't mind us massaging her belly should we continue, or could that be dangerous with gas? 5) As much as I dread stressing her out, should we take her back to the vet?  Thank you again for all your help and for all that you do for us bunny parents!!!

Dear Susan

Yikes!  BAD bunny!

Yes, eating something that nasty will take a toll.  I think it would not be a bad idea to take her for a re-check, and perhaps request blood work to make sure there was nothing toxic in the drywall or paint that could have lasting effects.

There are also some medications (e.g., sulfasalazine, barium) that can soothe the intestinal lining and perhaps speed her recovery.  I'd keep up the gentle massage and simethicone.  Unless she has a blockage, the massage will not hurt, and can only help, as long as it's gentle and she doesn't object.

Hope she will be back to her old self soon.
