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my rabbit eyes turning cloudy

22 9:45:17

hi my rabbit right eye suddenly turn cloudy. she is 8~9yr old this year. i notice recently she have trouble looking for her food as i normally place her food in different location in her cage. hope to hear from you. thank you

Hi Lai,

This is likely a condition called "moon eye" that is a genetic condition in rabbits and can happen as they get older.  It's more or less a cataract, and can cause blindness in rabbits.  There's really nothing you can do to correct or prevent moon eye, but your rabbit can continue to have a wonderful quality of life with you in spite of it.  Try to keep things in the same place in her cage so that she can easily find them.  Pick a corner for her food and water and keep them there at all times, after a while she'll realize where they are and won't even have to go looking.  If she has a favorite toy, keep that in a designated spot as well and move it back to this spot for her after she's done playing with it.  We've had blind rabbits over the years, and as long as we kept everything in familiar places for them they were just fine! Take care ~ Lori