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another diarrhea

22 10:21:23

Hi Dana
This is Elisabet again and again. My other bunny dead from the big stomach(rexy).it's like bloating from gas build-up or something,and it seems my other bunny catch the diarrhea. the smallest one (munchkin) already dead yesterday morning, and for the other (caramel, she so cute) i already take her to the vet and she already stayed for two days. yesterday i check on her and her stool still poops with water. she still drinking, and i give the doctor ORT because the doctor only give her i doing the right thing? and caramel won't eat too, but she still active. That is a good sign right? the doctor already give her an injection. but why she still won't eat? is there something wrong with the medication the doctor used?because it seems that she (the doctor)not quite understand about rabbit. and it seems that she didn't give caramel medicine for stopping the diarrhea. I'm going visit her again today, and i will bring medicine for stopping the diarrhea, similar with imodium, but it's different brand. is that okay?i'm sorry if i'm nagging here,i'm so worried. i don't want my other bunnies died too. i already killed two of them because of my less knowledge about baby rabbit. please Dana, help me.
Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.

Dear Elisabet,

I'm not sure if I sent you this before, but it sounds as if you really need it now, if all these babies are dying of the same intestinal problem.  Please bring this to the vet and ask if s/he would be willing to follow this protocol to save the babies' lives:

It is the ONLY treatment protocol I have used that actually can save them.  It is aggressive and seems excessive to some to use fluoroquinolone antibiotics on a very young rabbit, but the *oral administration of ciprofloxacin is critical* to the babies' survival.

You don't say how old these babies are, whether they are still nursing, or whether they are wild or domestic.  All of these details can be very important, and would allow me to help you more precisely.

I hope that the printout above will help you save the babies.  PLEASE share it with the vet, and we will hope for the best!
