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Salt Licks

22 11:35:30

Hi Dana,

One of my rabbits is constantly licking her salt lick, much more so than my other rabbits. She's been doing this for years. I wonder if this will somehow cause damage to her in the long run. Do you know of any internal problems from that can arise from salt lick overdose!?


Dear Amber,

As in humans, excessive intake of salt can cause high blood pressure.  But if she's drinking lots of water and flushing out the excess salt, there shouldn't be a problem.  If she really licks it a lot, then consider providing her with an  alternative source of entertainment.  Be sure she has lots of fresh hay available at all times (timothy hay, not alfalfa), toys to play with, paper grocery bags filled with hay or toys, etc.  It could be that she's licking out of boredom.

Hope that helps!