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Male Rabbit Urinating after a moving to a new home

22 9:52:33


I recently moved with my 8 month old Hotot Oswald, who is not neutered, to a new home.  This new home also happens to have a female hotot and a female netherlands dwarf in the other rooms of the apartment.  They stay separated but he is aware of their existence.  Before the move he was very well litter trained and I had almost no problems with him urinating outside of the litter box.  Only once has he urinated on my bed before the move, but since the move less than a week ago he has urinated on my bed 5 times.  Before he would just jump up, sniff around and then lay down next to me.  Is this change because of the presence of females?  And know that I do plan on getting him neutered very soon. Or is it something else?  His food and other habits haven't changed other than the move (which he was actually staying in the empty room for about 3 weeks before the move so it isn't entirely new territory).

ANSWER: Dear Pat,

You've figured it out without my help.  :)  Your boy smells the females, and has become the Big Bun on Campus.  This new behavior should resolve after he is neutered, but it may take a few weeks.  To prevent the bed urination from becoming a learned habit, be sure to take him to his litterbox any time he jumps up on the bed, and wait 'til he pees before you let him back up.  Praise him and pet him when he pees in his box, and he'll get the message.

But don't expect him to maintain good habits while his hormones are raging.  That's just too much to ask of a normal male bunny who can sense the presence of sexy girls in the other rooms.

Hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thank you so much for confirming what I thought as well as putting my mind at ease that I may have upset him or it was attempting to tell me he was ill.  

I am curious to something else.  Why did he choose my bed to urinate on and show that he is the Big Bun on Campus?  I feel like there are many spots in the house better situated to make that statement ha.  This is a light hearted question in an attempt to get inside Oswald's thought process ha.

Thanks again.


Dear Pat,

The bed smells like YOU, and that means it also smells like his old home.  I'm sure he picked it because it is familiar and comforting (as a bathroom should be, right?).  

To protect your bed, you can buy one of those water-resistant mattress pads from any big linens store.  Get a size bigger than your bed, and stretch it over the bed when you're not there.  I hope it sends him a message!

Good luck!
