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22 11:11:41

what are some ways to treat fur mites?

and where can i find a really good vet to go to in san francisco?

Hi Reilene,

treatment depends on the mite in question.  It's better that you take her to a rabbit-savvy vet because some of the products out there for mites work okay on dogs and cats, but can really cause bad problems with rabbits.

If you can't get to a vet right away, if you can get to a store that sells a product called "Pene-Mite" it is geared towards rabbits as well.  It most likely isn't as good as what your vet can give you, however.

To find a good rabbit vet in San Francisco, The House Rabbit Society web site ( has a vets page and I think the link for your area is here:

Go under the "Metro Bay" area under "California" and you'll pull up a number of them.
