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rabbit claw cutting

22 11:21:24

my rabbits nails are very long and i am just wondering how much claw i can keep without cutting the skin so that it bleeds, i have heard that you have to cut off the white part, but my rabbits claws are a dark brown if you have any ideas email me back thank you

Dear Adrian,

There are several very good sites that give instruction and even illustrations on how to do this, even for a bunny with dark nails.  In general, you can cut to the point where the nail starts to curve downward.  I usually gently apply pressure with the clipper *before* I cut, and if the bunny jerks away, you're probably too close to the quick.  Move the clipper out a bit farther, and try again.  Better to be safe than sorry.

Here are a few good sites:

and if you Google "rabbit nail trimming" you'll get even more.  

Hope that helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
