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A lump on my bunny

22 10:19:54

I have a 2 month old bunny..i'm not sure which kind..but i recently discovered a hard lump on his stomach! It keeps on getting bigger every day. There seems to be pus coming out of it..i'm just not sure what it is and what i should do..thanks =]

Sounds like your bun has a pocket of infection going on.  Sometimes it can take the smallest scratch to get one going.  What you need to do is take your bun to the vet.  A vet should determine what kind of bacteria is causing the infections and give some medicine for it.  Sometimes, vets remove the abscess or sometimes the medicine clears it up.

This site gives some general info for the type of problem it sounds like your bun has:

But the best thing you can do is make an appointment with a rabbit vet and have it taken care of.