Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bumps


22 11:19:45

What are fibromosis or fibromesis not sure which one its called,I kow they are a certain kind of bump but would to know what one would look like.? I d liek to knwo what a wart would look like if my bunny was to have one. Thank you

Dear Manda,

A fibroma is usually a very small, very hard lump in the skin that moves freely when you move the skin around.  If an unusual lump is attached to muscle or underlying tissue and does NOT move around with the skin, then it should be seen by a vet immediately.

Fibromas are generally benign, and consist of fibrous tissue that has deposited abnormally in the skin.  Some rabbits get one or two, and some get a lot.  No one really knows why.  But unless they interfere with eating/drinking, or seem to cause discomfort (which they usually don't), they're not a major concern.

Hope that helps!
