Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > runny nose but no sneezing

runny nose but no sneezing

22 11:12:26

I adopted a rabbit from the local shelter about two weeks ago. He was fine when I brought him home. Then tonight I nothiced that he has a clear liquid comming from his nose but he is not sneezing and seems fine other wise. I was concerned that he might have "snuffles" but I have also read that sometimes rabbits can have allargies. I'm not using any type of wood bedding, i'm using a recycled papper in his litter box. But, I am using hay that I have purchased from a local feed store in a bail. I was wondering if this could be the problem or is it something more serious?

Dear Kelly,

Allergies are not likely.  More common is upper respiratory infection, which may or may not be accompanied by sneezing.  Please read:


and you can find a good vet for him here:

Hope that helps.
