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possible eye infection

22 11:20:47

Hi Dr Krempels,

My lop earred albino rabbit had some dried blood on the corner of his left eye 5 days ago. I took him to a vet a day later and the vet thought the upper eyelid of that eye was slighter swollen. I was given a tube of eye treatment cream called "Conoptal", which contains fusidic acid. I've applied the cream to both of his eyes (even though only the left one has residues of blood). It is quite difficult to detect the health state of his eyes as they are red. My bunny is very resistant to each cream applocations. I'm just concerned whether Conoptal is the appropriate treatment for him and whther it has any negative side effects.

My bunny is 4 and half years old, and he is doing well otherwise, in terms of eating and general behavior.

Tnak you!


Dear Jasmine,

I've never heard of Conoptal, so did a Google search.  The only thing I can find is that it's a product licensed in Adelaide.  Are you in Australia?  Conoptal seems to be a general colloidal eye drop containing some antibiotics that are not particularly harmful.  Because I've never heard of it, I can't tell you whether it's safe for rabbits.  I'm not even sure it's available in the U.S., which is where I am.

If you are in Australia, then I hope your bunny is vaccinated against VHD, or viral hemorrhagic disease.  This is sort of a "rabbit ebola" that causes massive internal hemorrhaging in rabbits.  Individuals in the last stages of this deadly viral disease will bleed from the nose, eyes, mouth, and other orifices.

If your bunny is still fine and not showing any horrific signs, then I'd wonder if he merely is scratchign himself raw because he's itching.  This could be due to mites or fleas, and you can check out diagnosis and safe remedies here:

Hope that helps.
