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Infant rabbit

22 11:21:40

I have three breeding pairs.  They all have babies at the moment.  Two pairs are together in a large enclosure.  Their babies are in separate areas to where they sleep.  I bred all the six parents and they have had babies before.  

My question is:  In the cage where there are two pairs and two lots of babies, one little one was found outside the nest and had been badly injured.  He had a deep gash on his leg and another at the back of his neck.  The injury had only just happened, it was early evening.  I removed him and cleaned the wounds; kept him warm and in a dark place.  This morning I was ready to go and buy goats milk to feed him but when I went to check on him, he was gasping for breath and died in my hand.  I had previously checked on him about 2 hours prior and he was warm and breathing properly.  Do rabbit parents attack their young and why?

Generally the mother would not attack them, it's possible the father could have.  Depending on the cage a sibling could have.  More likely is that a cat or dog got through the wire and got him.

Generally if a mother rabbit is going to do something to the babies it is right after they are born, and that is to reject them and not feed them.

We don't deal with breeding, so I don't know the whys and wherefores, you might check with someone who has bred rabbits.
