Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > pet bunny lump in naval area: possible abscess

pet bunny lump in naval area: possible abscess

22 11:17:14

I have been given a male 1yr old rabbit. Rabbit has been treated previously for a lump in the naval area. According to the previous owner, the vet lanced the lump and released the contents and treated the animal with antibiotics. The lump has returned. It is hard and cannot be moved around.
What do think the problem is?  

Dear Antonia,

If this was previously drained and treated with antibiotics, it could have been an abscess.  If it has returned in the same area, then it is very possible that the abscess has returned.

The vet who saw the bunny previously was probably more familiar with dogs and cats.  Rabbit abscesses should generally not be lanced.  Rather, because the pus is so very hard and caseous (cheese-like), an abscess should be surgically excised as if it were a tumor.  The pus inside should be sent off for culture and sensitivity testing:

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

who can examine the lump and see whether it is an abscess or something else that needs treatment.  But whatever it is, it's not normal, and needs veterinary attention ASAP.

I hope this helps.
