Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > mother eating her siblings

mother eating her siblings

22 11:04:58

QUESTION: i have been taking care of female rabbits, and i get to borrow a male one on my neighbor for them to breed..
i was very excited when 3 of them got pregnant. but the time they deliver, few days later the infants were all gone. and i see them eating it.. what is happening with them?
ANSWER: Sometimes rabbits will eat their babies, especially if they are first time mothers. Sometimes they just totally lack the right instincts to be good mothers. Usually they just need practice. Unfortunately, breeding any animal comes with its risks. The babies can die, the mother can die. It's a risk that is taken every time an animal is bred. This is why it is important to know as much as possible about the care of pregnant animals and young before breeding them. Even then, though, sometimes things happen.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: one of the mother rabbits is not a first time mother. does it add to the factor of eating their kids being expose to other rabbits? or they do not have privacy? AND, what can you recommend a best food supplement for newly born rabbits? thanks!

Mother rabbits should not be in with other rabbits other than their babies. Being in with others can cause them to stress and eat their babies.

Baby rabbits only drink mother's milk, so they do not need suppliments. The mothers generally are fine on their regular alfalfa pellet food, but if they are getting a bit thin or not producing enough milk, Calf Manna is an excellent addition to the diet.