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my bunnie

22 10:49:12

my bunnie is 8  weeks old and we got him on saturday and it's always scratching
me i dont know if i'm giving him to much attenchion but my bro says i am and
sometimes i think that might be the case

please can you help i really want a gentle rabbit again

Either you are not holding him correctly, or else he is simply not used to being held. Be sure you are supporting both his front and back end. A rabbit that feels like it is going to fall will scratch and scramble to try to get into a more secure position. If that is not the issue, just keep working with him until he is used to being held. Be reassuring. Offer him treats, and talk to him in a calm, soothing voice. Try holding him on your lap instead of in your arms. Many rabbits dislike being held in a person's arms because it is very unnatural. If you start with holding him on your lap, you can eventually move to holding him in your arms.