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skin peeling

22 9:41:31

i have noticed that my rabbit's skin is peeling around and in her ears this has been going on for about 2 weeks. we tried ear mite medicine and it just made it worse. what is wrong with her?

Hi Angie
Sorry to hear about your bunny.

I recommend getting this checked at the vets for a skin scraping. If it is mites, maybe a different medication is needed.

If it's not, it could simply be your bun is unable to clean her ears properly herself. If she's alone that could be it, in a bonded pair they're constantly cleaning each other's ears. If it is that, you will have to take over the roll of another bun and gently clean her ears yourself with a cotton bud. A good bunny vet will be able to show you how to do this as it has to be done very carefully so as not to hurt the bun or damage the ears.

Good luck!