Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbits going bald

rabbits going bald

22 10:46:38

i groomed our abbit other day shortly after i noticed a small bald patch on neck today it s much bigger and she has not eat much of her food and no feases in litter tray she is making a high pitch grunting sound but she still comes to cage for a stroke she lives in a indoor cage

Hi Jennie

Bald patches can be from a many number of things from mild to severe.  The thing that concerns me is that she has had lack of fecal droppings and is making high pitched grunting noises.

I think it is imperative that you get your precious rabbit to a veterinarian that specializes in the care of exotic pets right ways.  They will or should at least be able to determine the underlying cause.  Most rabbits don't scream in pain unless they are on their death beds.

Good luck and I hope that your precious angel gets better soon.

