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worms in rabbits

22 11:33:39

i just did my routine cleaning of the bunny hutch (i have two, a mini lop and a gray and white one, the breed of which i always forget the name, dutch something or other). upon removing hay and poop i discovered many many worms, some white and some red. ew! this would explain, perhaps, the sudden increase in my rabbits' appetites, they've suddenly become voracious eaters. what do i do? obviously clean the hutch thoroughly, but can rabbits actually get worms and how do i treat it?

Yes, rabbits can get pinworms and hookworms and probably some other kinds.  You will need to run them by a vet to get the type of worm diagnosed so it can be treated, since each type of worm has a different treatment.

Do they get out in the yard?  They can pick worms up from dog, cat and raccoon feces.  If so, you might want to check the yard before you let them out, or keep them penned in an area that other animals aren't able to access.

You can read about raccoon worms at tapeworms at and pinworms at
