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female bunny spraying

22 10:28:19

hey! I have a year old female mini-rex (who is not so mini, weighs 5pounds) and for the last 3-4 weeks she has been running between our legs and spraying pee. we were told by the vet that she is definitely a girl but ive read that females dont do this kind of behavior. she was completely potty trained before and still uses her bathroom area... but then sprays pee directly after shes already peed. the pee does look a lil different than her normal bathroom pee. seems a lil thicker or something. shes not spayed. the reason being that we are worried about the after surgery care. im assuming itll require stitches and since she loves to chew on ANYTHING we thought this would be kind risky and an unnecessary bother to her. is it normal for a female rabbit to act like this? she will literally use the bathroom  and then sling pee back and forth directly afterwards near our feet and sometimes nowhere near us at all. any help you could provide would be great. i guess what im wanting to know is this just a phase that will come and go or is it something thatll be permanent everyday here on out. thanks!

Hi Michael,

Well what your reading it wrong lol I have does that do this. I don't know why they do it but I have noticed they tend to do it when they want to be bread even though does dont go into heat they still feel the need to breed. It isn't something that's going to go away mine still do it. The only thing that might stop it is getting her fixed but I don't know since I breed mine are not fixed. I hope this helped a little most does dont do it but a few do. It can also be a show of dominance.