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Putting same sex rabbits together

22 11:36:20

Followup To
Question -
I have a 1 year old rabbit and a 2 month old lop ear bunny and I was wondering about putting them together... When I put them together the big one tries to mate with the little one they are both males... So what should I do?  Ok... Thanks for your quick response, but no the older one is not neutured, but I do have one more question ever since I tried putting them together and have put the little one in a seperate cage I have noticed in the litter pan that he has some little pieces of fur that has either fell out or he has pulled it out, could my little bunny possibly be a girl... The breeder that I bought it from said it was a boy but I am not sure how to check....Please help..And by the way the fur is not in the bunnys stool...

Could it be possible that they are fighting through the cages and pulling each other's fur out?

You can check the gender using this article -  However, rabbits under 4 months of age are difficult to sex (everything looks the same until then for both sexes).

If the rabbit is a girl and making a nest, you would see a large pile of fur, all in one location, so that isn't what it sounds like.
