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My mini Rex is pregnant! What do I do now!

22 9:44:45

   My rabbit is pregnant and scratched my buck's eye. So i put her in a GIANT card board box with sticks pine cones (for teeth)a timothy hay hut with food and water. We know she is definitely pregnant so what is the gestation period? I found out about November 30th. The buck is a Holland Lop and my doe is a mini Rex, is that okay? I won't show them though...

Irish :3

hi Irish gestation  is between 28-32 days.
she need s to be in a cage on her own with plenty of hay so when the time is near she an make a nest -and she may pluck fur off her chest.
the pairing is OK
feed and water as usual and when the baby's come do not interfere as she may abandon them