Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > ripped out toenail

ripped out toenail

22 10:39:18

QUESTION: My rabbits toenail was ripped completely off.  There is nothing left.  What can I put on it to ensure no infection sets in.  Also, is this something that should be looked at by a vet?

ANSWER: Dear Brianne,

Thoroughy disinfect the nail bed with a dilute solution of povidone iodine (Betadine), about one part betadine to four parts clean, lukewarm water.  Dry the area, and clip away as much fur as possible, so you can keep a close eye on the healing nail bed.

If you see any sign of swelling or redness, then a trip to the vet is warranted immediately.  

This isn't an uncommon accident, and the nail should grow back normally in time.  But keep a close eye out for any sign of infection or inflammation, as this can make things worse quickly.  A trip to the vet would not be a bad idea, anyway.  If the vet thinks the wound is serious enough, s/he may want to put your bunny on prophylactic antibiotics.  Since I can't see the wound, I'm not the best judge.

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

Hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is it possible for the toe bone to be sticking out?  There is a little white thing there, and I think it looks like bone.  Yikes!

Dear Brianne,

If the white thing is hard, it could be bone.  But it also could be the quick, or a ligament.  If it's as severe as it sounds, then please get the bunny to a good rabbit vet for examination and treatment:

Better to be safe than sorry, and he probably needs some pain medication from the vet while this heals.
