Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit is having difficulty breathing...

Rabbit is having difficulty breathing...

22 11:17:54

My rabbit (rather, my parents rabbit) is having difficulty breathing, and is wheezing. Besides that, I don't think there's anything else unusual besides the fact that she doesn't seem up for moving around very much. She's opening and closing her mouth kind of funny, but I attribute that to just having problems breathing... She occasionally makes a rather odd high-pitched coughing noise but that is rather infrequent. She's not unusually hot or cold, but she might be a TINY bit colder than usual... Please help

A rabbit who is having trouble breathing is considered a medical emergency.  If you can, get her to a rabbit-knowledgeable vet immediately, she most likely has pneumonia and needs to be treated with antibiotics and possibly oxygen right away.

You can read more about it here -
