Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Visine


22 10:42:02

Is it ok to put natural tear visine in a rabbits eye to keep it lubricated after she has had an infection and has used vet prescribed ointment?

Dear Fernanda,

Do not put Visine or any other medication in your rabbit's eye without the advice and supervision of your veterinarian.  Visine contains anti-inflammatory agents that could interfere with the action of antibiotics and the eye's own healing antibodies, so it is NOT advisable to use this product on a rabbit with an eye infection.

If the eye seems dry, then ask the vet about using artificial tears. But also ask:  why is the eye dry?  Is she unable to blink or close her eye?  If the eye is protruding, there could be a serious condition, such as glaucoma or a retrobulbar (behind the eye) abscess that needs to be treated.

Be sure you have a veterinarian who is well-versed in *rabbit* medicine, since many who treat mainly dogs and cats are not familiar with the unique medical conditions often presented by rabbits.  You can find a good rabbit vet here:

Please be sure the condition your rabbit has is being treated appropriately, and feel free to write back with more specific information about your rabbit's eye if you have additional questions.
